Look man top of the world



WHEREAS, the Santa Clara County Board of Education is committed to creating inclusive and just conditions where all students, staff members, and families feel a sense of belonging; and

WHEREAS, we cherish our cultural richness and strive to ensure all communities feel respected and heard, including our Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Arab-American, Palestinian, and Middle Eastern communities; and

WHEREAS, the Santa Clara County Board of Education has a long history of embracing social justice and supporting members of our school community who have been, both historically and currently, subjected to racism, discrimination, or marginalization; and

WHEREAS, the Santa Clara County Board of Education adopted a resolution “Denouncing Anti- Semitism” on June 14, 2023 and adopted a resolution “Denouncing Islamophobia” on September 6, 2023; and

WHEREAS, we mourn the loss of 1,200 lives in IsraelAND THE RAPE AND MUTILATION BY HAMAS TERRORISTS OF HUNDREDS OF WOMEN, BABIES AND GRANDMAS and over 25,000 lives in Palestine ACCORDING TO THE MILITANT GROUP WHO BUILDS BUNKERS IN HOSPITALS, including thousands of Palestinian children from October 7 to the present HELD CAPTIVE BY THE HAMAS TERRORISTS, ESPECIALLY SINCE 2006 WHEN ISRAEL LEFT THE REGION, and also throughout the decades of displacement, occupation, oppression, and blockade endured in Gaza and the West Bank; and OTHER PLACES SHUNNED BY EGYPT AND JORDAN;

WHEREAS, the Santa Clara County Board of Education recognizes that this violence impacts students in our classrooms AND FEEL WE HAVE OVEREMPHASIZED THE WHOLE READING RITING AND RTHMATIC THING THAT IS OH SO COLONIAL and encourages all staff to support students by creating environments in schools and classrooms that build empathy OR ARE VERY DIVISIVE  and compassion and promote constructive dialogue OR SINGLE OUT THE JEWS IN A SOFT POGROM — A WORD WE’VE NEVER HEARD BUT WILL LOOK IT UP SOME DAY where no student or staff member feels singled out for their identity, ethnicity or religious affiliation; and CONTROLS THE WORLDS MONEY, EATS BABIES, HAS HORNS, CAN’T JUMP

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AFER WE WASTE A FEW MORE HOURS OF EVERYONE’S TIME that the Santa Clara County Board of Education recognizes OUR OWN ASSES AS DISTINGUISED FROM OUR CLITS OR FOMER CLITS that many groups within our community have had long and complex histories of trauma, displacement, and oppression, and we are committed to creating safe learning spaces for NEARLY every student by committing to combat Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Anti-Arab racism, xenophobia, and ethnonationalism in all its forms INCLUDING DOG WHISTLES, BLOOD LIBEL; and HERE OR IN THE 20 COUNTRIES FROM WHICH JEWS WERE CLEANSED OR WHERE JEWS WERE CLEANSED FROM;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND WHAT WAS THAT LINE ABOUT THROWING STONES, that the Santa Clara County Board of Education believes that peaceful diplomacy HEE HEE I CANT BELIEVE THEY LET THIS SLIP BY is the only SUREFIRE way to achieve these goals and calls for an immediate and permanent humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza AND MAYBE WE CAN NAME A FEW SCHOOLS AFTER MARTYRS, the release of all REMAINING hostages, the safe passage of substantial humanitarian aid MINUS OUR TYPICAL KICKBACK AND VIG to the Palestinian people AND THEIR BILLIIONAIRE ABSENTEE LEADERS IN QUATAR, and the immediate restoration of basic services, water, electricity, and MAYBE WE CAN SEND THEM ALL CELLPHONES SINCE THEY WORK SO GOOD WITH DISINFORMATION fuel access to protect the health and wellbeing of children and families HELD HOSTAGE BY THEIR OWN LEADERS. We demand that US taxpayer funds be used to prevent further loss of life and be invested in our nation’s education system FOR A VERY REASONABLE CARRYING COST

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the County Board of Education at a SECRET meeting held on OR JUST AFTER January 10, 2024, by the following vote: OF PEOPLE NO ONE REMEMBERS VOTING FOR… UNTIL NOW

About markweiss86

Mark Weiss, founder of Plastic Alto blog, is a concert promoter and artist manager in Palo Alto, as Earthwise Productions, with background as journalist, advertising copywriter, book store returns desk, college radio producer, city council and commissions candidate, high school basketball player, and blogger; he also sang in local choir, fronts an Allen Ginsberg tribute Beat Hotel Rm 32 Reads 'Howl' and owns a couple musical instruments he cannot play
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