10 good thing about Mu (sic)


QMC is Quincey, Mark and Christian, Palo Alto Art Center, Wednesday January 10, 2024 by Earthwise

10 good thing about Mu (sic)

There is a song by Bob Marley “one good thing about music”.

Mu is also the letter of the Greek aleph bet. Or Roman?

Mu is somehow related to the number 40.

Sic in Latin also can mean stylistically in prose to call attention to an error or to the precise workding; or something that looks like an error but is not. 

I stated last night at the Doox of Yale and Christian Beck show that this is my 31st year as either a concert promoter or artist manager.

But in terms of 40 — 1984 was a banner year for me. I could be celebrating 40 years or 41st year of something something. 

In winter of 1984, I took time off from Dartmouth— my sophomore winter — after completing four terms of my a.b. degree — to work for the Times Tribune of Palo Alto. 

That was my first full-time though temporary professional work experience. 

I did fine —I covered courts and council, plus some sports.

I dated Carol Hegna, a recent Stanford grad. She was working for Bay City News covering the Russell Glasgall case when I did the same for the PTT.

I did knot no here then, but I have an image of a young blonde Wyomingian on a skate board going thru White Plaza. Sort of like Syd Davis of Montana the rugby player who does not understand Israel vs. Hamas — ok 9 good things and 1 horrible thing. 

This reminds me: 8 good thing, 2 bad: Santa Clara Board of Education Grace Ma and them deliberated or voted what I would prima facie on its face an antisemitic item about Israel. What the fuck does a military response to a terrorist attack seven thousand miles from here have to do with teaching children or preparing them to be part of our community? The act of a non-binding resolution about someone else’s tragedy actually displaces learning and makes Santa Clara county more like Gaza, and Grace Ma more like Hamas.

To the extent that Hamas obviously and apparently and tragically keeps children in darkness. No lux or veritas in Gaza or that meeting item 6P.

Some more good things:

The Peets coffee here in South Palo Alto played Spoon The Underdog which I mistook for billy Joel somehow but it got me talking to a woman next to me whose son runs a hospital in Austin and is taking her granddaughter tot he Texans-Browns playoff, whose line coach is my friend since 7th grade Chris Strausser. 

Tony Levin quartet tomorrow here, plus Saturday at Piedmont Piano which I might take in after all if I go from Gunn-Paly boys JV to the 5;30 show, then back 

3. Tommy Jordan pan drums on flake

Lizzie No, Feb 14; Nefesh bluegrass, Feb. 9; dark in March most likely; big April unveil soon enough. Mu enough. Moon enough, and the stars. 

This is where I came in…my Peet’s. 

A woman knocked over her OJ and I asked her if she had voided her bladder…then I offered to give her my OJ Happy Moose the Mu muse. She declined. But she wasn’t terribly offended either. I guess that’s kind of a nirvana. A bit curt. Cue: 10:21, on to Gryphon to gift Beck the jack.

About markweiss86

Mark Weiss, founder of Plastic Alto blog, is a concert promoter and artist manager in Palo Alto, as Earthwise Productions, with background as journalist, advertising copywriter, book store returns desk, college radio producer, city council and commissions candidate, high school basketball player, and blogger; he also sang in local choir, fronts an Allen Ginsberg tribute Beat Hotel Rm 32 Reads 'Howl' and owns a couple musical instruments he cannot play
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